import { gql } from '@apollo/client'; import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client'; export type Maybe = T | null; export type InputMaybe = Maybe; export type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; export type MakeOptional = Omit & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe }; export type MakeMaybe = Omit & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe }; export type MakeEmpty = { [_ in K]?: never }; export type Incremental = T | { [P in keyof T]?: P extends ' $fragmentName' | '__typename' ? T[P] : never }; const defaultOptions = {} as const; /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ export type Scalars = { ID: { input: string; output: string; } String: { input: string; output: string; } Boolean: { input: boolean; output: boolean; } Int: { input: number; output: number; } Float: { input: number; output: number; } Date: { input: any; output: any; } DateTime: { input: any; output: any; } I18NLocaleCode: { input: any; output: any; } JSON: { input: any; output: any; } Upload: { input: any; output: any; } }; export type BooleanFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type ContentReleasesRelease = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesRelease'; actions?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; releasedAt?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseAction = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseAction'; contentType: Scalars['String']['output']; createdAt?: Maybe; entry?: Maybe; release?: Maybe; type: Enum_Contentreleasesreleaseaction_Type; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionEntity = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseActionEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseActionEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseActionEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; contentType?: InputMaybe; createdAt?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; release?: InputMaybe; type?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionInput = { contentType?: InputMaybe; release?: InputMaybe; type?: InputMaybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseActionRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseActionRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseEntity = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'ContentReleasesReleaseEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseFiltersInput = { actions?: InputMaybe; and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; releasedAt?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type ContentReleasesReleaseInput = { actions?: InputMaybe>>; name?: InputMaybe; releasedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type DateFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type DateTimeFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export enum Enum_Contentreleasesreleaseaction_Type { publish = 'publish', unpublish = 'unpublish' } export enum Enum_Event_Lang { en = 'en', fr = 'fr' } export enum Enum_Notification_Type { AddedAsAdmin = 'AddedAsAdmin', ContactTripCreator = 'ContactTripCreator', DeletedFromTrip = 'DeletedFromTrip', DeletedTrip = 'DeletedTrip', DeletedYourTrip = 'DeletedYourTrip', EnabledCarosterPlus = 'EnabledCarosterPlus', EventCreated = 'EventCreated', EventEnded = 'EventEnded', EventRecap = 'EventRecap', NewPassengerInYourTrip = 'NewPassengerInYourTrip', NewTrip = 'NewTrip', NewTripAlert = 'NewTripAlert', PassengerJoinTrip = 'PassengerJoinTrip' } export enum Enum_Page_Type { tos = 'tos' } export enum Enum_Userspermissionsuser_Lang { en = 'en', fr = 'fr' } export type Event = { __typename?: 'Event'; address?: Maybe; administrators?: Maybe>>; createdAt?: Maybe; creator?: Maybe; date?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; email: Scalars['String']['output']; enabled_modules?: Maybe; lang?: Maybe; latitude?: Maybe; longitude?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; passengers?: Maybe; position?: Maybe; travels?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; uuid?: Maybe; waitingPassengers?: Maybe; }; export type EventPassengersArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type EventTravelsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type EventEntity = { __typename?: 'EventEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type EventEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type EventEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type EventFiltersInput = { address?: InputMaybe; administrators?: InputMaybe; and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; creator?: InputMaybe; date?: InputMaybe; description?: InputMaybe; email?: InputMaybe; enabled_modules?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; lang?: InputMaybe; latitude?: InputMaybe; longitude?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; newsletter?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; passengers?: InputMaybe; position?: InputMaybe; travels?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; users?: InputMaybe; uuid?: InputMaybe; }; export type EventInput = { address?: InputMaybe; administrators?: InputMaybe; creator?: InputMaybe; date?: InputMaybe; description?: InputMaybe; email?: InputMaybe; enabled_modules?: InputMaybe; lang?: InputMaybe; latitude?: InputMaybe; longitude?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; newsletter?: InputMaybe; passengers?: InputMaybe>>; position?: InputMaybe; travels?: InputMaybe>>; users?: InputMaybe>>; uuid?: InputMaybe; }; export type EventRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'EventRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type FileInfoInput = { alternativeText?: InputMaybe; caption?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; }; export type FloatFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type GenericMorph = ContentReleasesRelease | ContentReleasesReleaseAction | Event | I18NLocale | Module | Notification | Page | Passenger | Setting | Travel | TripAlert | UploadFile | UploadFolder | UsersPermissionsPermission | UsersPermissionsRole | UsersPermissionsUser | Vehicle; export type I18NLocale = { __typename?: 'I18NLocale'; code?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; name?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type I18NLocaleEntity = { __typename?: 'I18NLocaleEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type I18NLocaleEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'I18NLocaleEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type I18NLocaleEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'I18NLocaleEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type I18NLocaleFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; code?: InputMaybe; createdAt?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type IdFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type IntFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type JsonFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type Module = { __typename?: 'Module'; caroster_plus_description?: Maybe; caroster_plus_enabled?: Maybe; caroster_plus_name: Scalars['String']['output']; caroster_plus_payment_link: Scalars['String']['output']; caroster_plus_price?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; locale?: Maybe; localizations?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type ModuleEntity = { __typename?: 'ModuleEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type ModuleEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'ModuleEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type ModuleInput = { caroster_plus_description?: InputMaybe; caroster_plus_enabled?: InputMaybe; caroster_plus_name?: InputMaybe; caroster_plus_payment_link?: InputMaybe; caroster_plus_payment_link_id?: InputMaybe; caroster_plus_price?: InputMaybe; }; export type ModuleRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'ModuleRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type Mutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addEventAdmin?: Maybe; /** Change user password. Confirm with the current password. */ changePassword?: Maybe; createContentReleasesRelease?: Maybe; createContentReleasesReleaseAction?: Maybe; createEvent?: Maybe; createModuleLocalization?: Maybe; createNotification?: Maybe; createPage?: Maybe; /** Create a passenger */ createPassenger?: Maybe; createSettingLocalization?: Maybe; createTravel?: Maybe; createTripAlert?: Maybe; createUploadFile?: Maybe; createUploadFolder?: Maybe; /** Create a new role */ createUsersPermissionsRole?: Maybe; /** Create a new user */ createUsersPermissionsUser: UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse; createVehicle?: Maybe; deleteContentReleasesRelease?: Maybe; deleteContentReleasesReleaseAction?: Maybe; deleteEvent?: Maybe; deleteEventAdmin?: Maybe; deleteModule?: Maybe; deleteNotification?: Maybe; deletePage?: Maybe; deletePassenger?: Maybe; deleteSetting?: Maybe; deleteTravel?: Maybe; deleteTripAlert?: Maybe; deleteUploadFile?: Maybe; deleteUploadFolder?: Maybe; /** Delete an existing role */ deleteUsersPermissionsRole?: Maybe; /** Delete an existing user */ deleteUsersPermissionsUser: UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse; deleteVehicle?: Maybe; /** Confirm an email users email address */ emailConfirmation?: Maybe; /** Request a reset password token */ forgotPassword?: Maybe; login: UsersPermissionsLoginPayload; multipleUpload: Array>; readNotifications?: Maybe; /** Register a user */ register: UsersPermissionsLoginPayload; removeFile?: Maybe; /** Reset user password. Confirm with a code (resetToken from forgotPassword) */ resetPassword?: Maybe; setTripAlert?: Maybe; updateContentReleasesRelease?: Maybe; updateContentReleasesReleaseAction?: Maybe; updateEvent?: Maybe; /** Update an event using its UUID */ updateEventByUUID?: Maybe; updateFileInfo: UploadFileEntityResponse; updateMe: UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse; updateModule?: Maybe; updateNotification?: Maybe; updatePage?: Maybe; /** Update a passenger */ updatePassenger?: Maybe; updateSetting?: Maybe; updateTravel?: Maybe; updateTripAlert?: Maybe; updateUploadFile?: Maybe; updateUploadFolder?: Maybe; /** Update an existing role */ updateUsersPermissionsRole?: Maybe; /** Update an existing user */ updateUsersPermissionsUser: UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse; updateVehicle?: Maybe; upload: UploadFileEntityResponse; }; export type MutationAddEventAdminArgs = { email: Scalars['String']['input']; eventId: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationChangePasswordArgs = { currentPassword: Scalars['String']['input']; password: Scalars['String']['input']; passwordConfirmation: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type MutationCreateContentReleasesReleaseArgs = { data: ContentReleasesReleaseInput; }; export type MutationCreateContentReleasesReleaseActionArgs = { data: ContentReleasesReleaseActionInput; }; export type MutationCreateEventArgs = { data: EventInput; }; export type MutationCreateModuleLocalizationArgs = { data?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationCreateNotificationArgs = { data: NotificationInput; }; export type MutationCreatePageArgs = { data: PageInput; }; export type MutationCreatePassengerArgs = { data: PassengerInput; }; export type MutationCreateSettingLocalizationArgs = { data?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationCreateTravelArgs = { createVehicle?: InputMaybe; data: TravelInput; }; export type MutationCreateTripAlertArgs = { data: TripAlertInput; }; export type MutationCreateUploadFileArgs = { data: UploadFileInput; }; export type MutationCreateUploadFolderArgs = { data: UploadFolderInput; }; export type MutationCreateUsersPermissionsRoleArgs = { data: UsersPermissionsRoleInput; }; export type MutationCreateUsersPermissionsUserArgs = { data: UsersPermissionsUserInput; }; export type MutationCreateVehicleArgs = { data: VehicleInput; }; export type MutationDeleteContentReleasesReleaseArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteContentReleasesReleaseActionArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteEventArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteEventAdminArgs = { email: Scalars['String']['input']; eventId: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteModuleArgs = { locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationDeleteNotificationArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeletePageArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeletePassengerArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteSettingArgs = { locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationDeleteTravelArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteTripAlertArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteUploadFileArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteUploadFolderArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteUsersPermissionsRoleArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteUsersPermissionsUserArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationDeleteVehicleArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationEmailConfirmationArgs = { confirmation: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type MutationForgotPasswordArgs = { email: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type MutationLoginArgs = { input: UsersPermissionsLoginInput; }; export type MutationMultipleUploadArgs = { field?: InputMaybe; files: Array>; ref?: InputMaybe; refId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationReadNotificationsArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationRegisterArgs = { input: UsersPermissionsRegisterInput; }; export type MutationRemoveFileArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationResetPasswordArgs = { code: Scalars['String']['input']; password: Scalars['String']['input']; passwordConfirmation: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type MutationSetTripAlertArgs = { address?: InputMaybe; enabled?: InputMaybe; event: Scalars['ID']['input']; latitude?: InputMaybe; longitude?: InputMaybe; radius?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUpdateContentReleasesReleaseArgs = { data: ContentReleasesReleaseInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateContentReleasesReleaseActionArgs = { data: ContentReleasesReleaseActionInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateEventArgs = { data: EventInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateEventByUuidArgs = { data: EventInput; uuid: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateFileInfoArgs = { id: Scalars['ID']['input']; info?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUpdateMeArgs = { data: UsersPermissionsUserInput; }; export type MutationUpdateModuleArgs = { data: ModuleInput; locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUpdateNotificationArgs = { data: NotificationInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdatePageArgs = { data: PageInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdatePassengerArgs = { data: PassengerInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateSettingArgs = { data: SettingInput; locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUpdateTravelArgs = { data: TravelInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateTripAlertArgs = { data: TripAlertInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateUploadFileArgs = { data: UploadFileInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateUploadFolderArgs = { data: UploadFolderInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateUsersPermissionsRoleArgs = { data: UsersPermissionsRoleInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateUsersPermissionsUserArgs = { data: UsersPermissionsUserInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUpdateVehicleArgs = { data: VehicleInput; id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type MutationUploadArgs = { field?: InputMaybe; file: Scalars['Upload']['input']; info?: InputMaybe; ref?: InputMaybe; refId?: InputMaybe; }; export type Notification = { __typename?: 'Notification'; createdAt?: Maybe; event?: Maybe; payload?: Maybe; read?: Maybe; type: Enum_Notification_Type; updatedAt?: Maybe; user?: Maybe; }; export type NotificationEntity = { __typename?: 'NotificationEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type NotificationEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'NotificationEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type NotificationEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'NotificationEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type NotificationFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; payload?: InputMaybe; read?: InputMaybe; type?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type NotificationInput = { event?: InputMaybe; payload?: InputMaybe; read?: InputMaybe; type?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type NotificationRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'NotificationRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type Page = { __typename?: 'Page'; content?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; type?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type PageEntity = { __typename?: 'PageEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type PageEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type PageEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'PageEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type PageFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; content?: InputMaybe; createdAt?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; type?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type PageInput = { content?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; type?: InputMaybe; }; export type Pagination = { __typename?: 'Pagination'; page: Scalars['Int']['output']; pageCount: Scalars['Int']['output']; pageSize: Scalars['Int']['output']; total: Scalars['Int']['output']; }; export type PaginationArg = { limit?: InputMaybe; page?: InputMaybe; pageSize?: InputMaybe; start?: InputMaybe; }; export type Passenger = { __typename?: 'Passenger'; createdAt?: Maybe; email?: Maybe; event?: Maybe; location?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; phone?: Maybe; travel?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; user?: Maybe; }; export type PassengerEntity = { __typename?: 'PassengerEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type PassengerEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'PassengerEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type PassengerEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'PassengerEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type PassengerFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; email?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; location?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; phone?: InputMaybe; travel?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type PassengerInput = { email?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; location?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; phone?: InputMaybe; travel?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type PassengerRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type Query = { __typename?: 'Query'; contentReleasesRelease?: Maybe; contentReleasesReleaseAction?: Maybe; contentReleasesReleaseActions?: Maybe; contentReleasesReleases?: Maybe; event?: Maybe; /** Retrieve an event using its UUID */ eventByUUID?: Maybe; eventTripAlert?: Maybe; events?: Maybe; i18NLocale?: Maybe; i18NLocales?: Maybe; me?: Maybe; module?: Maybe; notification?: Maybe; notifications?: Maybe; page?: Maybe; pages?: Maybe; passenger?: Maybe; passengers?: Maybe; setting?: Maybe; travel?: Maybe; travels?: Maybe; tripAlert?: Maybe; tripAlerts?: Maybe; uploadFile?: Maybe; uploadFiles?: Maybe; uploadFolder?: Maybe; uploadFolders?: Maybe; usersPermissionsRole?: Maybe; usersPermissionsRoles?: Maybe; usersPermissionsUser?: Maybe; usersPermissionsUsers?: Maybe; vehicle?: Maybe; vehicles?: Maybe; }; export type QueryContentReleasesReleaseArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryContentReleasesReleaseActionArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryContentReleasesReleaseActionsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryContentReleasesReleasesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryEventArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryEventByUuidArgs = { uuid: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type QueryEventTripAlertArgs = { event: Scalars['ID']['input']; }; export type QueryEventsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryI18NLocaleArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryI18NLocalesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryModuleArgs = { locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryNotificationArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryNotificationsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryPageArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryPagesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryPassengerArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryPassengersArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QuerySettingArgs = { locale?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryTravelArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryTravelsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryTripAlertArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryTripAlertsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryUploadFileArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUploadFilesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryUploadFolderArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUploadFoldersArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryUsersPermissionsRoleArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUsersPermissionsRolesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryUsersPermissionsUserArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUsersPermissionsUsersArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type QueryVehicleArgs = { id?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryVehiclesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type ResponseCollectionMeta = { __typename?: 'ResponseCollectionMeta'; pagination: Pagination; }; export type Setting = { __typename?: 'Setting'; about_link?: Maybe; announcement?: Maybe; code_link?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; data_policy_link?: Maybe; faq_link?: Maybe; gtm_id?: Maybe; locale?: Maybe; localizations?: Maybe; matomo_script_url?: Maybe; opencollective_link?: Maybe; stripe_dashboard_link?: Maybe; tos_link?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type SettingEntity = { __typename?: 'SettingEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type SettingEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'SettingEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type SettingInput = { about_link?: InputMaybe; announcement?: InputMaybe; code_link?: InputMaybe; data_policy_link?: InputMaybe; faq_link?: InputMaybe; gtm_id?: InputMaybe; matomo_script_url?: InputMaybe; opencollective_link?: InputMaybe; stripe_dashboard_link?: InputMaybe; tos_link?: InputMaybe; }; export type SettingRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'SettingRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type StringFilterInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; between?: InputMaybe>>; contains?: InputMaybe; containsi?: InputMaybe; endsWith?: InputMaybe; eq?: InputMaybe; eqi?: InputMaybe; gt?: InputMaybe; gte?: InputMaybe; in?: InputMaybe>>; lt?: InputMaybe; lte?: InputMaybe; ne?: InputMaybe; nei?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notContains?: InputMaybe; notContainsi?: InputMaybe; notIn?: InputMaybe>>; notNull?: InputMaybe; null?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; startsWith?: InputMaybe; }; export type Travel = { __typename?: 'Travel'; createdAt?: Maybe; departure?: Maybe; departureDate?: Maybe; departureTime?: Maybe; details?: Maybe; event?: Maybe; meeting?: Maybe; meeting_latitude?: Maybe; meeting_longitude?: Maybe; passengers?: Maybe; phone_number?: Maybe; seats?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; user?: Maybe; vehicleName?: Maybe; }; export type TravelPassengersArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type TravelEntity = { __typename?: 'TravelEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type TravelEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'TravelEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type TravelEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'TravelEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type TravelFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; departure?: InputMaybe; departureDate?: InputMaybe; departureTime?: InputMaybe; details?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; meeting?: InputMaybe; meeting_latitude?: InputMaybe; meeting_longitude?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; passengers?: InputMaybe; phone_number?: InputMaybe; seats?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; vehicleName?: InputMaybe; }; export type TravelInput = { departure?: InputMaybe; departureDate?: InputMaybe; departureTime?: InputMaybe; details?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; meeting?: InputMaybe; meeting_latitude?: InputMaybe; meeting_longitude?: InputMaybe; passengers?: InputMaybe>>; phone_number?: InputMaybe; seats?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; vehicleName?: InputMaybe; }; export type TravelRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'TravelRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type TripAlert = { __typename?: 'TripAlert'; address?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; enabled?: Maybe; event?: Maybe; latitude?: Maybe; longitude?: Maybe; radius?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; user?: Maybe; }; export type TripAlertEntity = { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type TripAlertEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type TripAlertEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type TripAlertFiltersInput = { address?: InputMaybe; and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; enabled?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; latitude?: InputMaybe; longitude?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; radius?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type TripAlertInput = { address?: InputMaybe; enabled?: InputMaybe; event?: InputMaybe; latitude?: InputMaybe; longitude?: InputMaybe; radius?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type UploadFile = { __typename?: 'UploadFile'; alternativeText?: Maybe; caption?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; ext?: Maybe; formats?: Maybe; hash: Scalars['String']['output']; height?: Maybe; mime: Scalars['String']['output']; name: Scalars['String']['output']; previewUrl?: Maybe; provider: Scalars['String']['output']; provider_metadata?: Maybe; related?: Maybe>>; size: Scalars['Float']['output']; updatedAt?: Maybe; url: Scalars['String']['output']; width?: Maybe; }; export type UploadFileEntity = { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type UploadFileEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type UploadFileEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UploadFileEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type UploadFileFiltersInput = { alternativeText?: InputMaybe; and?: InputMaybe>>; caption?: InputMaybe; createdAt?: InputMaybe; ext?: InputMaybe; folder?: InputMaybe; folderPath?: InputMaybe; formats?: InputMaybe; hash?: InputMaybe; height?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; mime?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; previewUrl?: InputMaybe; provider?: InputMaybe; provider_metadata?: InputMaybe; size?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; url?: InputMaybe; width?: InputMaybe; }; export type UploadFileInput = { alternativeText?: InputMaybe; caption?: InputMaybe; ext?: InputMaybe; folder?: InputMaybe; folderPath?: InputMaybe; formats?: InputMaybe; hash?: InputMaybe; height?: InputMaybe; mime?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; previewUrl?: InputMaybe; provider?: InputMaybe; provider_metadata?: InputMaybe; size?: InputMaybe; url?: InputMaybe; width?: InputMaybe; }; export type UploadFileRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UploadFileRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type UploadFolder = { __typename?: 'UploadFolder'; children?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; files?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; parent?: Maybe; path: Scalars['String']['output']; pathId: Scalars['Int']['output']; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type UploadFolderChildrenArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UploadFolderFilesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UploadFolderEntity = { __typename?: 'UploadFolderEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type UploadFolderEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'UploadFolderEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type UploadFolderEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UploadFolderEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type UploadFolderFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; children?: InputMaybe; createdAt?: InputMaybe; files?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; parent?: InputMaybe; path?: InputMaybe; pathId?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type UploadFolderInput = { children?: InputMaybe>>; files?: InputMaybe>>; name?: InputMaybe; parent?: InputMaybe; path?: InputMaybe; pathId?: InputMaybe; }; export type UploadFolderRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UploadFolderRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type UsersPermissionsCreateRolePayload = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsCreateRolePayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']['output']; }; export type UsersPermissionsDeleteRolePayload = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsDeleteRolePayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']['output']; }; export type UsersPermissionsLoginInput = { identifier: Scalars['String']['input']; password: Scalars['String']['input']; provider?: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type UsersPermissionsLoginPayload = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsLoginPayload'; jwt?: Maybe; user: UsersPermissionsMe; }; export type UsersPermissionsMe = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMe'; blocked?: Maybe; confirmed?: Maybe; email?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']['output']; profile?: Maybe; role?: Maybe; username: Scalars['String']['output']; }; export type UsersPermissionsMeRole = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMeRole'; description?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']['output']; name: Scalars['String']['output']; type?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsPasswordPayload = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsPasswordPayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']['output']; }; export type UsersPermissionsPermission = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsPermission'; action: Scalars['String']['output']; createdAt?: Maybe; role?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsPermissionEntity = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsPermissionEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsPermissionFiltersInput = { action?: InputMaybe; and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; role?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsPermissionRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsPermissionRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type UsersPermissionsRegisterInput = { email: Scalars['String']['input']; firstName?: InputMaybe; lang?: InputMaybe; lastName?: InputMaybe; newsletterConsent?: InputMaybe; password: Scalars['String']['input']; tosAcceptationDate?: InputMaybe; username: Scalars['String']['input']; }; export type UsersPermissionsRole = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsRole'; createdAt?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; permissions?: Maybe; type?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; users?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsRolePermissionsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsRoleUsersArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsRoleEntity = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsRoleEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsRoleEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsRoleEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsRoleEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsRoleEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type UsersPermissionsRoleFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; description?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; permissions?: InputMaybe; type?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; users?: InputMaybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsRoleInput = { description?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; permissions?: InputMaybe>>; type?: InputMaybe; users?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsUpdateRolePayload = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUpdateRolePayload'; ok: Scalars['Boolean']['output']; }; export type UsersPermissionsUser = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser'; confirmed?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; email: Scalars['String']['output']; events?: Maybe; firstName?: Maybe; lang?: Maybe; lastName?: Maybe; newsletterConsent?: Maybe; notificationEnabled?: Maybe; notifications?: Maybe; onboardingCreator?: Maybe; onboardingUser?: Maybe; provider?: Maybe; role?: Maybe; tosAcceptationDate?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; username: Scalars['String']['output']; vehicles?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserEventsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserNotificationsArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserVehiclesArgs = { filters?: InputMaybe; pagination?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserEntity = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; blocked?: InputMaybe; confirmationToken?: InputMaybe; confirmed?: InputMaybe; createdAt?: InputMaybe; email?: InputMaybe; events?: InputMaybe; firstName?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; lang?: InputMaybe; lastName?: InputMaybe; newsletterConsent?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; notificationEnabled?: InputMaybe; notifications?: InputMaybe; onboardingCreator?: InputMaybe; onboardingUser?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; passengers?: InputMaybe; password?: InputMaybe; provider?: InputMaybe; resetPasswordToken?: InputMaybe; role?: InputMaybe; tosAcceptationDate?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; username?: InputMaybe; vehicles?: InputMaybe; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserInput = { blocked?: InputMaybe; confirmationToken?: InputMaybe; confirmed?: InputMaybe; email?: InputMaybe; events?: InputMaybe>>; firstName?: InputMaybe; lang?: InputMaybe; lastName?: InputMaybe; newsletterConsent?: InputMaybe; notificationEnabled?: InputMaybe; notifications?: InputMaybe>>; oldPassword?: InputMaybe; onboardingCreator?: InputMaybe; onboardingUser?: InputMaybe; passengers?: InputMaybe>>; password?: InputMaybe; provider?: InputMaybe; resetPasswordToken?: InputMaybe; role?: InputMaybe; tosAcceptationDate?: InputMaybe; username?: InputMaybe; vehicles?: InputMaybe>>; }; export type UsersPermissionsUserRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type Vehicle = { __typename?: 'Vehicle'; createdAt?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']['output']; phone_number?: Maybe; seats?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; user?: Maybe; }; export type VehicleEntity = { __typename?: 'VehicleEntity'; attributes?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type VehicleEntityResponse = { __typename?: 'VehicleEntityResponse'; data?: Maybe; }; export type VehicleEntityResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'VehicleEntityResponseCollection'; data: Array; meta: ResponseCollectionMeta; }; export type VehicleFiltersInput = { and?: InputMaybe>>; createdAt?: InputMaybe; id?: InputMaybe; name?: InputMaybe; not?: InputMaybe; or?: InputMaybe>>; phone_number?: InputMaybe; seats?: InputMaybe; updatedAt?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type VehicleInput = { name?: InputMaybe; phone_number?: InputMaybe; seats?: InputMaybe; user?: InputMaybe; }; export type VehicleRelationResponseCollection = { __typename?: 'VehicleRelationResponseCollection'; data: Array; }; export type TripAlertQueryVariables = Exact<{ eventId: Scalars['ID']['input']; }>; export type TripAlertQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', eventTripAlert?: { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'TripAlert', address?: string | null, enabled?: boolean | null, radius?: number | null, longitude?: number | null, latitude?: number | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type SetTripAlertMutationVariables = Exact<{ eventId: Scalars['ID']['input']; enabled?: InputMaybe; latitude?: InputMaybe; longitude?: InputMaybe; address?: InputMaybe; radius?: InputMaybe; }>; export type SetTripAlertMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', setTripAlert?: { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TripAlertEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'TripAlert', latitude?: number | null, longitude?: number | null, address?: string | null, enabled?: boolean | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type MeFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMe', id: string, username: string, email?: string | null, confirmed?: boolean | null }; export type RegisterMutationVariables = Exact<{ user: UsersPermissionsRegisterInput; }>; export type RegisterMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', register: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsLoginPayload', jwt?: string | null, user: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMe', id: string, username: string, email?: string | null, confirmed?: boolean | null } } }; export type ForgotPasswordMutationVariables = Exact<{ email: Scalars['String']['input']; }>; export type ForgotPasswordMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', forgotPassword?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsPasswordPayload', ok: boolean } | null }; export type ResetPasswordMutationVariables = Exact<{ password: Scalars['String']['input']; passwordConfirmation: Scalars['String']['input']; code: Scalars['String']['input']; }>; export type ResetPasswordMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', resetPassword?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsLoginPayload', jwt?: string | null, user: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMe', id: string, username: string, email?: string | null, confirmed?: boolean | null } } | null }; export type EventFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, description?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null, email: string, lang?: Enum_Event_Lang | null, administrators?: Array | null, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, latitude?: number | null, longitude?: number | null, position?: any | null, waitingPassengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, email?: string | null, location?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null, travels?: { __typename?: 'TravelRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null } | null } | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, email?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null }> } | null } | null }; export type CreateEventMutationVariables = Exact<{ eventData: EventInput; }>; export type CreateEventMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', createEvent?: { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, description?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null, email: string, lang?: Enum_Event_Lang | null, administrators?: Array | null, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, latitude?: number | null, longitude?: number | null, position?: any | null, waitingPassengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, email?: string | null, location?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null, travels?: { __typename?: 'TravelRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null } | null } | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, email?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type UpdateEventMutationVariables = Exact<{ uuid: Scalars['String']['input']; eventUpdate: EventInput; }>; export type UpdateEventMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', updateEventByUUID?: { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, description?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null, email: string, lang?: Enum_Event_Lang | null, administrators?: Array | null, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, latitude?: number | null, longitude?: number | null, position?: any | null, waitingPassengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, email?: string | null, location?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null, travels?: { __typename?: 'TravelRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null } | null } | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, email?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type AddEventAdminMutationVariables = Exact<{ eventId: Scalars['ID']['input']; email: Scalars['String']['input']; }>; export type AddEventAdminMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', addEventAdmin?: { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', administrators?: Array | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type DeleteEventAdminMutationVariables = Exact<{ eventId: Scalars['ID']['input']; email: Scalars['String']['input']; }>; export type DeleteEventAdminMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', deleteEventAdmin?: { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', administrators?: Array | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type EventByUuidQueryVariables = Exact<{ uuid: Scalars['String']['input']; }>; export type EventByUuidQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', eventByUUID?: { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, description?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null, email: string, lang?: Enum_Event_Lang | null, administrators?: Array | null, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, latitude?: number | null, longitude?: number | null, position?: any | null, waitingPassengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, email?: string | null, location?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null, travels?: { __typename?: 'TravelRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null } | null } | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, email?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type ModuleQueryVariables = Exact<{ locale: Scalars['I18NLocaleCode']['input']; }>; export type ModuleQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', module?: { __typename?: 'ModuleEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'ModuleEntity', attributes?: { __typename?: 'Module', caroster_plus_name: string, caroster_plus_price?: number | null, caroster_plus_enabled?: boolean | null, caroster_plus_description?: string | null, caroster_plus_payment_link: string } | null } | null } | null }; export type UserNotificationsQueryVariables = Exact<{ maxItems?: InputMaybe; }>; export type UserNotificationsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', notifications?: { __typename?: 'NotificationEntityResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'NotificationEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Notification', type: Enum_Notification_Type, read?: boolean | null, createdAt?: any | null, event?: { __typename?: 'EventEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', name: string, uuid?: string | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null }; export type ReadNotificationsMutationVariables = Exact<{ id?: InputMaybe; }>; export type ReadNotificationsMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', readNotifications?: { __typename?: 'NotificationEntityResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'NotificationEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Notification', type: Enum_Notification_Type, read?: boolean | null } | null }> } | null }; export type PassengerFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, phone?: string | null, email?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null, email: string } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type CreatePassengerMutationVariables = Exact<{ passenger: PassengerInput; }>; export type CreatePassengerMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', createPassenger?: { __typename?: 'PassengerEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, phone?: string | null, email?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null, email: string } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type UpdatePassengerMutationVariables = Exact<{ id: Scalars['ID']['input']; passengerUpdate: PassengerInput; }>; export type UpdatePassengerMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', updatePassenger?: { __typename?: 'PassengerEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, phone?: string | null, email?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null, email: string } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type DeletePassengerMutationVariables = Exact<{ id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }>; export type DeletePassengerMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', deletePassenger?: { __typename?: 'PassengerEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null } | null } | null }; export type SettingQueryVariables = Exact<{ locale: Scalars['I18NLocaleCode']['input']; }>; export type SettingQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', setting?: { __typename?: 'SettingEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'SettingEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Setting', gtm_id?: string | null, about_link?: string | null, faq_link?: string | null, announcement?: string | null, matomo_script_url?: string | null, opencollective_link?: string | null, code_link?: string | null, stripe_dashboard_link?: string | null, tos_link?: string | null, data_policy_link?: string | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type TravelFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null, email: string } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null }; export type CreateTravelMutationVariables = Exact<{ travel: TravelInput; createVehicle?: InputMaybe; }>; export type CreateTravelMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', createTravel?: { __typename?: 'TravelEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null, email: string } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type UpdateTravelMutationVariables = Exact<{ id: Scalars['ID']['input']; travelUpdate: TravelInput; }>; export type UpdateTravelMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', updateTravel?: { __typename?: 'TravelEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Travel', meeting?: string | null, meeting_latitude?: number | null, meeting_longitude?: number | null, departureDate?: any | null, departureTime?: string | null, details?: string | null, vehicleName?: string | null, phone_number?: string | null, seats?: number | null, passengers?: { __typename?: 'PassengerRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'PassengerEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Passenger', name: string, location?: string | null, phone?: string | null, user?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', firstName?: string | null, lastName?: string | null, email: string } | null } | null } | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null } | null }; export type DeleteTravelMutationVariables = Exact<{ id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }>; export type DeleteTravelMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', deleteTravel?: { __typename?: 'TravelEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'TravelEntity', id?: string | null } | null } | null }; export type UserFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', username: string, email: string, confirmed?: boolean | null, lastName?: string | null, firstName?: string | null, lang?: Enum_Userspermissionsuser_Lang | null, onboardingUser?: boolean | null, onboardingCreator?: boolean | null, newsletterConsent?: boolean | null, notificationEnabled?: boolean | null, provider?: string | null, events?: { __typename?: 'EventRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null } | null }> } | null }; export type ProfileQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>; export type ProfileQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', me?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMe', id: string, username: string, profile?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', username: string, email: string, confirmed?: boolean | null, lastName?: string | null, firstName?: string | null, lang?: Enum_Userspermissionsuser_Lang | null, onboardingUser?: boolean | null, onboardingCreator?: boolean | null, newsletterConsent?: boolean | null, notificationEnabled?: boolean | null, provider?: string | null, events?: { __typename?: 'EventRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null }; export type UpdateMeMutationVariables = Exact<{ userUpdate: UsersPermissionsUserInput; }>; export type UpdateMeMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', updateMe: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUserEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', username: string, email: string, confirmed?: boolean | null, lastName?: string | null, firstName?: string | null, lang?: Enum_Userspermissionsuser_Lang | null, onboardingUser?: boolean | null, onboardingCreator?: boolean | null, newsletterConsent?: boolean | null, notificationEnabled?: boolean | null, provider?: string | null, events?: { __typename?: 'EventRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'EventEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Event', uuid?: string | null, name: string, date?: any | null, address?: string | null, enabled_modules?: any | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null } }; export type VehicleFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'VehicleEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vehicle', name: string, seats?: number | null, phone_number?: string | null } | null }; export type FindUserVehiclesQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>; export type FindUserVehiclesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', me?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsMe', id: string, username: string, profile?: { __typename?: 'UsersPermissionsUser', vehicles?: { __typename?: 'VehicleRelationResponseCollection', data: Array<{ __typename?: 'VehicleEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vehicle', name: string, seats?: number | null, phone_number?: string | null } | null }> } | null } | null } | null }; export type DeleteVehicleMutationVariables = Exact<{ id: Scalars['ID']['input']; }>; export type DeleteVehicleMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', deleteVehicle?: { __typename?: 'VehicleEntityResponse', data?: { __typename?: 'VehicleEntity', id?: string | null, attributes?: { __typename?: 'Vehicle', name: string } | null } | null } | null }; export const MeFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment MeFields on UsersPermissionsMe { id username email confirmed } `; export const EventFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment EventFields on EventEntity { id attributes { uuid name description enabled_modules email lang administrators date address latitude longitude position waitingPassengers { data { id attributes { name email location user { data { id attributes { firstName lastName } } } } } } travels(pagination: {limit: 500}) { data { id attributes { meeting meeting_latitude meeting_longitude departureDate departureTime details vehicleName phone_number seats user { data { id } } passengers { data { id attributes { name location email phone user { data { id attributes { firstName lastName } } } } } } } } } } } `; export const PassengerFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment PassengerFields on PassengerEntity { id attributes { name location phone email user { data { id attributes { firstName lastName email } } } } } `; export const TravelFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment TravelFields on TravelEntity { id attributes { meeting meeting_latitude meeting_longitude departureDate departureTime details vehicleName phone_number seats passengers { data { id attributes { name location phone user { data { id attributes { firstName lastName email } } } } } } } } `; export const UserFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment UserFields on UsersPermissionsUser { username email confirmed lastName firstName lang onboardingUser onboardingCreator newsletterConsent notificationEnabled provider events(pagination: {limit: 500}) { data { id attributes { uuid name date address enabled_modules } } } } `; export const VehicleFieldsFragmentDoc = gql` fragment VehicleFields on VehicleEntity { id attributes { name seats phone_number } } `; export const TripAlertDocument = gql` query TripAlert($eventId: ID!) { eventTripAlert(event: $eventId) { data { id attributes { address enabled radius longitude latitude } } } } `; /** * __useTripAlertQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useTripAlertQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useTripAlertQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useTripAlertQuery({ * variables: { * eventId: // value for 'eventId' * }, * }); */ export function useTripAlertQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(TripAlertDocument, options); } export function useTripAlertLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(TripAlertDocument, options); } export type TripAlertQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type TripAlertLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type TripAlertQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const SetTripAlertDocument = gql` mutation SetTripAlert($eventId: ID!, $enabled: Boolean, $latitude: Float, $longitude: Float, $address: String, $radius: Float) { setTripAlert( event: $eventId latitude: $latitude longitude: $longitude address: $address radius: $radius enabled: $enabled ) { data { id attributes { latitude longitude address enabled } } } } `; export type SetTripAlertMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useSetTripAlertMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useSetTripAlertMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useSetTripAlertMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [setTripAlertMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useSetTripAlertMutation({ * variables: { * eventId: // value for 'eventId' * enabled: // value for 'enabled' * latitude: // value for 'latitude' * longitude: // value for 'longitude' * address: // value for 'address' * radius: // value for 'radius' * }, * }); */ export function useSetTripAlertMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(SetTripAlertDocument, options); } export type SetTripAlertMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type SetTripAlertMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type SetTripAlertMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const RegisterDocument = gql` mutation register($user: UsersPermissionsRegisterInput!) { register(input: $user) { jwt user { ...MeFields } } } ${MeFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type RegisterMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useRegisterMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useRegisterMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useRegisterMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [registerMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useRegisterMutation({ * variables: { * user: // value for 'user' * }, * }); */ export function useRegisterMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(RegisterDocument, options); } export type RegisterMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type RegisterMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type RegisterMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const ForgotPasswordDocument = gql` mutation forgotPassword($email: String!) { forgotPassword(email: $email) { ok } } `; export type ForgotPasswordMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useForgotPasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useForgotPasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useForgotPasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [forgotPasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useForgotPasswordMutation({ * variables: { * email: // value for 'email' * }, * }); */ export function useForgotPasswordMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(ForgotPasswordDocument, options); } export type ForgotPasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type ForgotPasswordMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type ForgotPasswordMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const ResetPasswordDocument = gql` mutation resetPassword($password: String!, $passwordConfirmation: String!, $code: String!) { resetPassword( password: $password passwordConfirmation: $passwordConfirmation code: $code ) { jwt user { ...MeFields } } } ${MeFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type ResetPasswordMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useResetPasswordMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useResetPasswordMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useResetPasswordMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [resetPasswordMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useResetPasswordMutation({ * variables: { * password: // value for 'password' * passwordConfirmation: // value for 'passwordConfirmation' * code: // value for 'code' * }, * }); */ export function useResetPasswordMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(ResetPasswordDocument, options); } export type ResetPasswordMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type ResetPasswordMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type ResetPasswordMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const CreateEventDocument = gql` mutation createEvent($eventData: EventInput!) { createEvent(data: $eventData) { data { ...EventFields } } } ${EventFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type CreateEventMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useCreateEventMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateEventMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateEventMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createEventMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateEventMutation({ * variables: { * eventData: // value for 'eventData' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateEventMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(CreateEventDocument, options); } export type CreateEventMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type CreateEventMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type CreateEventMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const UpdateEventDocument = gql` mutation updateEvent($uuid: String!, $eventUpdate: EventInput!) { updateEventByUUID(uuid: $uuid, data: $eventUpdate) { data { ...EventFields } } } ${EventFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type UpdateEventMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useUpdateEventMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateEventMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateEventMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateEventMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateEventMutation({ * variables: { * uuid: // value for 'uuid' * eventUpdate: // value for 'eventUpdate' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateEventMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(UpdateEventDocument, options); } export type UpdateEventMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UpdateEventMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type UpdateEventMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const AddEventAdminDocument = gql` mutation addEventAdmin($eventId: ID!, $email: String!) { addEventAdmin(eventId: $eventId, email: $email) { data { id attributes { administrators } } } } `; export type AddEventAdminMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useAddEventAdminMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useAddEventAdminMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useAddEventAdminMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [addEventAdminMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useAddEventAdminMutation({ * variables: { * eventId: // value for 'eventId' * email: // value for 'email' * }, * }); */ export function useAddEventAdminMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(AddEventAdminDocument, options); } export type AddEventAdminMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type AddEventAdminMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type AddEventAdminMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const DeleteEventAdminDocument = gql` mutation deleteEventAdmin($eventId: ID!, $email: String!) { deleteEventAdmin(eventId: $eventId, email: $email) { data { id attributes { administrators } } } } `; export type DeleteEventAdminMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useDeleteEventAdminMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteEventAdminMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteEventAdminMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteEventAdminMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteEventAdminMutation({ * variables: { * eventId: // value for 'eventId' * email: // value for 'email' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteEventAdminMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(DeleteEventAdminDocument, options); } export type DeleteEventAdminMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type DeleteEventAdminMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type DeleteEventAdminMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const EventByUuidDocument = gql` query eventByUUID($uuid: String!) { eventByUUID(uuid: $uuid) { data { ...EventFields } } } ${EventFieldsFragmentDoc}`; /** * __useEventByUuidQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useEventByUuidQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useEventByUuidQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useEventByUuidQuery({ * variables: { * uuid: // value for 'uuid' * }, * }); */ export function useEventByUuidQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(EventByUuidDocument, options); } export function useEventByUuidLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(EventByUuidDocument, options); } export type EventByUuidQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type EventByUuidLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type EventByUuidQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const ModuleDocument = gql` query module($locale: I18NLocaleCode!) { module(locale: $locale) { data { attributes { caroster_plus_name caroster_plus_price caroster_plus_enabled caroster_plus_description caroster_plus_payment_link } } } } `; /** * __useModuleQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useModuleQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useModuleQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useModuleQuery({ * variables: { * locale: // value for 'locale' * }, * }); */ export function useModuleQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(ModuleDocument, options); } export function useModuleLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(ModuleDocument, options); } export type ModuleQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type ModuleLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type ModuleQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const UserNotificationsDocument = gql` query UserNotifications($maxItems: Int = 20) { notifications(pagination: {limit: $maxItems}, sort: "createdAt:DESC") { data { id attributes { type read createdAt event { data { id attributes { name uuid } } } } } } } `; /** * __useUserNotificationsQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useUserNotificationsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUserNotificationsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useUserNotificationsQuery({ * variables: { * maxItems: // value for 'maxItems' * }, * }); */ export function useUserNotificationsQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(UserNotificationsDocument, options); } export function useUserNotificationsLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(UserNotificationsDocument, options); } export type UserNotificationsQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type UserNotificationsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type UserNotificationsQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const ReadNotificationsDocument = gql` mutation readNotifications($id: ID) { readNotifications(id: $id) { data { id attributes { type read } } } } `; export type ReadNotificationsMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useReadNotificationsMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useReadNotificationsMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useReadNotificationsMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [readNotificationsMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useReadNotificationsMutation({ * variables: { * id: // value for 'id' * }, * }); */ export function useReadNotificationsMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(ReadNotificationsDocument, options); } export type ReadNotificationsMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type ReadNotificationsMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type ReadNotificationsMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const CreatePassengerDocument = gql` mutation createPassenger($passenger: PassengerInput!) { createPassenger(data: $passenger) { data { ...PassengerFields } } } ${PassengerFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type CreatePassengerMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useCreatePassengerMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreatePassengerMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreatePassengerMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createPassengerMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreatePassengerMutation({ * variables: { * passenger: // value for 'passenger' * }, * }); */ export function useCreatePassengerMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(CreatePassengerDocument, options); } export type CreatePassengerMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type CreatePassengerMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type CreatePassengerMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const UpdatePassengerDocument = gql` mutation updatePassenger($id: ID!, $passengerUpdate: PassengerInput!) { updatePassenger(id: $id, data: $passengerUpdate) { data { ...PassengerFields } } } ${PassengerFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type UpdatePassengerMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useUpdatePassengerMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdatePassengerMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdatePassengerMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updatePassengerMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdatePassengerMutation({ * variables: { * id: // value for 'id' * passengerUpdate: // value for 'passengerUpdate' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdatePassengerMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(UpdatePassengerDocument, options); } export type UpdatePassengerMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UpdatePassengerMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type UpdatePassengerMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const DeletePassengerDocument = gql` mutation deletePassenger($id: ID!) { deletePassenger(id: $id) { data { id } } } `; export type DeletePassengerMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useDeletePassengerMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeletePassengerMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeletePassengerMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deletePassengerMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeletePassengerMutation({ * variables: { * id: // value for 'id' * }, * }); */ export function useDeletePassengerMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(DeletePassengerDocument, options); } export type DeletePassengerMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type DeletePassengerMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type DeletePassengerMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const SettingDocument = gql` query setting($locale: I18NLocaleCode!) { setting(locale: $locale) { data { id attributes { gtm_id about_link faq_link announcement matomo_script_url opencollective_link code_link stripe_dashboard_link tos_link data_policy_link } } } } `; /** * __useSettingQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useSettingQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useSettingQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useSettingQuery({ * variables: { * locale: // value for 'locale' * }, * }); */ export function useSettingQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(SettingDocument, options); } export function useSettingLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(SettingDocument, options); } export type SettingQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type SettingLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type SettingQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const CreateTravelDocument = gql` mutation createTravel($travel: TravelInput!, $createVehicle: Boolean) { createTravel(data: $travel, createVehicle: $createVehicle) { data { ...TravelFields } } } ${TravelFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type CreateTravelMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useCreateTravelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useCreateTravelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useCreateTravelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [createTravelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useCreateTravelMutation({ * variables: { * travel: // value for 'travel' * createVehicle: // value for 'createVehicle' * }, * }); */ export function useCreateTravelMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(CreateTravelDocument, options); } export type CreateTravelMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type CreateTravelMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type CreateTravelMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const UpdateTravelDocument = gql` mutation updateTravel($id: ID!, $travelUpdate: TravelInput!) { updateTravel(id: $id, data: $travelUpdate) { data { ...TravelFields } } } ${TravelFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type UpdateTravelMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useUpdateTravelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateTravelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateTravelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateTravelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateTravelMutation({ * variables: { * id: // value for 'id' * travelUpdate: // value for 'travelUpdate' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateTravelMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(UpdateTravelDocument, options); } export type UpdateTravelMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UpdateTravelMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type UpdateTravelMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const DeleteTravelDocument = gql` mutation deleteTravel($id: ID!) { deleteTravel(id: $id) { data { id } } } `; export type DeleteTravelMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useDeleteTravelMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteTravelMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteTravelMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteTravelMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteTravelMutation({ * variables: { * id: // value for 'id' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteTravelMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(DeleteTravelDocument, options); } export type DeleteTravelMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type DeleteTravelMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type DeleteTravelMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const ProfileDocument = gql` query profile { me { id username profile { ...UserFields } } } ${UserFieldsFragmentDoc}`; /** * __useProfileQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useProfileQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useProfileQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useProfileQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useProfileQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(ProfileDocument, options); } export function useProfileLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(ProfileDocument, options); } export type ProfileQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type ProfileLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type ProfileQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const UpdateMeDocument = gql` mutation updateMe($userUpdate: UsersPermissionsUserInput!) { updateMe(data: $userUpdate) { data { id attributes { ...UserFields } } } } ${UserFieldsFragmentDoc}`; export type UpdateMeMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useUpdateMeMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useUpdateMeMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useUpdateMeMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [updateMeMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useUpdateMeMutation({ * variables: { * userUpdate: // value for 'userUpdate' * }, * }); */ export function useUpdateMeMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(UpdateMeDocument, options); } export type UpdateMeMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type UpdateMeMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type UpdateMeMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions; export const FindUserVehiclesDocument = gql` query findUserVehicles { me { id username profile { vehicles(pagination: {limit: 500}) { data { ...VehicleFields } } } } } ${VehicleFieldsFragmentDoc}`; /** * __useFindUserVehiclesQuery__ * * To run a query within a React component, call `useFindUserVehiclesQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useFindUserVehiclesQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties * you can use to render your UI. * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const { data, loading, error } = useFindUserVehiclesQuery({ * variables: { * }, * }); */ export function useFindUserVehiclesQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useQuery(FindUserVehiclesDocument, options); } export function useFindUserVehiclesLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useLazyQuery(FindUserVehiclesDocument, options); } export type FindUserVehiclesQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type FindUserVehiclesLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType; export type FindUserVehiclesQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult; export const DeleteVehicleDocument = gql` mutation deleteVehicle($id: ID!) { deleteVehicle(id: $id) { data { id attributes { name } } } } `; export type DeleteVehicleMutationFn = Apollo.MutationFunction; /** * __useDeleteVehicleMutation__ * * To run a mutation, you first call `useDeleteVehicleMutation` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs. * When your component renders, `useDeleteVehicleMutation` returns a tuple that includes: * - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation * - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation's execution * * @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation, supported options are listed on:; * * @example * const [deleteVehicleMutation, { data, loading, error }] = useDeleteVehicleMutation({ * variables: { * id: // value for 'id' * }, * }); */ export function useDeleteVehicleMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions) { const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions} return Apollo.useMutation(DeleteVehicleDocument, options); } export type DeleteVehicleMutationHookResult = ReturnType; export type DeleteVehicleMutationResult = Apollo.MutationResult; export type DeleteVehicleMutationOptions = Apollo.BaseMutationOptions;