import { Telegram, getUpdates } from "@gramio/wrappergram"; import { findStops } from "@api/locationInformationRequest.ts"; import { InlineKeyboard } from "@gramio/keyboards"; import { getNextDepartures } from "@api/stopEvent.ts"; import logger from "@lib/logger.ts"; import * as kvdb from "../lib/kvdb.ts"; const telegram = new Telegram(Deno.env.get("TELEGRAM_TOKEN") as string); const formatContent = (content?: string) => content ?.replaceAll("-", "\\-") .replaceAll(".", "\\.") .replaceAll("(", "\\(") .replaceAll(")", "\\)"); const sendMessage = async (message: any) => { await telegram.api.sendMessage(message); }; const getUsername = (from: From) => { let username = `id:${}`; if (from.username) username = `user:${from.username}`; if (from.first_name && from.last_name) return `${from.first_name} ${from.last_name} (${username})`; else return username; }; for await (const update of getUpdates(telegram)) { logger.debug(JSON.stringify(update, null, 4)); // On new message if (update.message) { if (!update.message?.from) { console.error("No 'from' in message"); continue; } const { from, text, location } = update.message; `New message from ${getUsername(from)}: ${ text || JSON.stringify(location) }` ); telegram.api.setMyCommands({ commands: [ { command: "aide", description: "Explique comment utiliser le bot" }, { command: "favoris", description: "Affiche la liste de vos arrêts favoris", }, ], }); if (text === "/aide" || text === "/start") { const inlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboard().url( "Plus d'infos", "" ); await sendMessage({ chat_id:, reply_markup: inlineKeyboard, text: `Hey ✋ ! Je suis un bot qui te permet d'obtenir rapidement des informations sur les transports en commun dans toute la Suisse 🇨🇭 Entre le nom d'un arrêt et laisse-toi guider ! 📍 Tu peux aussi envoyer ta position GPS et je liste les arrêts à proximité. 🧑‍💻 Ce bot est en cours de développement actif. Il se peut qu'il y ait encore quelques instabilités. /aide - Affiche ce message /favoris - Affiche vos favoris`, }); } else if (text === "/favoris") { const userId = `telegram:${}`; const favorites = kvdb.getUserFavorites(userId); let inlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboard(); for await (const favorite of favorites) inlineKeyboard = inlineKeyboard .text(, { cmd: "nextDepartures", stopRef: favorite.value.stopRef, }) .row(); await sendMessage({ chat_id:, text: "Voici vos favoris", reply_markup: inlineKeyboard, }); } else { telegram.api.sendChatAction({ chat_id:, action: "find_location", }); const searchInput = location ? location : text; const stopLists = await findStops(searchInput); if (!stopLists?.length) { await sendMessage({ chat_id:, text: "Désolé, je n'ai pas réussi à récupérer une liste d'arrêts correspondants.", }); } else { kvdb.saveStops(stopLists); let keyboard = new InlineKeyboard(); for (const stop of stopLists) keyboard = keyboard .text(, { cmd: "nextDepartures", stopRef: stop.stopRef }) .row(); await sendMessage({ chat_id:, text: "Quel arrêt correspond ?", reply_markup: keyboard, }); } } } // On keyboard event (callback query) else if (update.callback_query) { const { from, data, message } = update.callback_query; const userId = `telegram:${}`; const payload = JSON.parse(data);`New request from ${getUsername(from)}: ${data}`); if (payload?.cmd === "nextDepartures") { telegram.api.sendChatAction({ chat_id:, action: "find_location", }); const nextDepartures = await getNextDepartures(payload.stopRef); const stop = await kvdb.getStopByRef(payload.stopRef); const text = formatContent(`Prochains départs depuis *${ stop.value?.name || "n.c." }*:\n ${nextDepartures .map( item => `*${item.serviceName}* ${item.serviceTypeIcon} *${item.departure}* _${item.departureIn} min_ \n${}\n` ) .join("\n")}`); let keyboard = new InlineKeyboard() .text("Rafraîchir", { cmd: "nextDepartures", stopRef: payload.stopRef, refresh: message.message_id, }) .text("Localiser", { cmd: "localizeStop", stopRef: payload.stopRef, }); const existingFavorite = await kvdb.getUserFavorite( userId, payload.stopRef ); if (!existingFavorite?.value) keyboard = keyboard.row().text("Enregistrer comme favoris", { cmd: "saveFavorite", stopRef: payload.stopRef, }); await sendMessage({ chat_id:, parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", text, reply_markup: keyboard, }); } else if (payload?.cmd === "localizeStop") { const stop = await kvdb.getStopByRef(payload.stopRef); if (stop.value?.geoPosition) await telegram.api.sendLocation({ chat_id:, longitude: stop.value.geoPosition.longitude, latitude: stop.value.geoPosition.latitude, }); else sendMessage({ chat_id:, text: "Pas de coordonnées associées à cet arrêt.", }); } else if (payload?.cmd === "saveFavorite") { const stop = await kvdb.getStopByRef(payload.stopRef); if (stop?.value) await kvdb.saveUserFavorite(userId, stop.value); await sendMessage({ chat_id:, parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", text: `L'arrêt *${formatContent( stop.value?.name )}* a été enregistré dans vos /favoris`, }); } } }