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Chatbot and CLI tool for Swiss public transports

demo.tape (view raw)

 1# VHS documentation
 3# Output:
 4#   Output <path>.gif               Create a GIF output at the given <path>
 5#   Output <path>.mp4               Create an MP4 output at the given <path>
 6#   Output <path>.webm              Create a WebM output at the given <path>
 8# Require:
 9#   Require <string>                Ensure a program is on the $PATH to proceed
11# Settings:
12#   Set FontSize <number>           Set the font size of the terminal
13#   Set FontFamily <string>         Set the font family of the terminal
14#   Set Height <number>             Set the height of the terminal
15#   Set Width <number>              Set the width of the terminal
16#   Set LetterSpacing <float>       Set the font letter spacing (tracking)
17#   Set LineHeight <float>          Set the font line height
18#   Set LoopOffset <float>%         Set the starting frame offset for the GIF loop
19#   Set Theme <json|string>         Set the theme of the terminal
20#   Set Padding <number>            Set the padding of the terminal
21#   Set Framerate <number>          Set the framerate of the recording
22#   Set PlaybackSpeed <float>       Set the playback speed of the recording
23#   Set MarginFill <file|#000000>   Set the file or color the margin will be filled with.
24#   Set Margin <number>             Set the size of the margin. Has no effect if MarginFill isn't set.
25#   Set BorderRadius <number>       Set terminal border radius, in pixels.
26#   Set WindowBar <string>          Set window bar type. (one of: Rings, RingsRight, Colorful, ColorfulRight)
27#   Set WindowBarSize <number>      Set window bar size, in pixels. Default is 40.
28#   Set TypingSpeed <time>          Set the typing speed of the terminal. Default is 50ms.
30# Sleep:
31#   Sleep <time>                    Sleep for a set amount of <time> in seconds
33# Type:
34#   Type[@<time>] "<characters>"    Type <characters> into the terminal with a
35#                                   <time> delay between each character
37# Keys:
38#   Escape[@<time>] [number]        Press the Escape key
39#   Backspace[@<time>] [number]     Press the Backspace key
40#   Delete[@<time>] [number]        Press the Delete key
41#   Insert[@<time>] [number]        Press the Insert key
42#   Down[@<time>] [number]          Press the Down key
43#   Enter[@<time>] [number]         Press the Enter key
44#   Space[@<time>] [number]         Press the Space key
45#   Tab[@<time>] [number]           Press the Tab key
46#   Left[@<time>] [number]          Press the Left Arrow key
47#   Right[@<time>] [number]         Press the Right Arrow key
48#   Up[@<time>] [number]            Press the Up Arrow key
49#   Down[@<time>] [number]          Press the Down Arrow key
50#   PageUp[@<time>] [number]        Press the Page Up key
51#   PageDown[@<time>] [number]      Press the Page Down key
52#   Ctrl+<key>                      Press the Control key + <key> (e.g. Ctrl+C)
54# Display:
55#   Hide                            Hide the subsequent commands from the output
56#   Show                            Show the subsequent commands in the output
58Output demo.gif
60Require echo
61Require deno
63Set Shell "bash"
64Set FontSize 32
65Set Width 1200
66Set Height 600
68Sleep 1s
69Type "deno task cli" Sleep 500ms  Enter
70Sleep 1s
71Type "bellins" Sleep 500ms Enter
72Sleep 2s
74Sleep 500ms
76Sleep 500ms
78Sleep 500ms
81Sleep 7s