all repos — caroster @ main

[Octree] Group carpool to your event

feat: :lipstick: Show when address is not geolocated

Tim Izzo
Mon, 21 Oct 2024 10:06:16 +0200
fix: :bug: Fix phone number validation

Tim Izzo
Mon, 14 Oct 2024 16:50:35 +0200
šŸ› Fix redirection for confirmation link [skip ci]
Tim Izzo
Mon, 02 Sep 2024 16:52:18 +0200


Contributor Covenant

Caroster - Group carpool to your event

Caroster is an easy and free app to organize group carpooling for an event, a party, a seminar, a sports event, a camp, a ski tripā€¦

Are you on GitHub ? Please use the reference repository on GitLab for issues and pull requests.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Caroster is composed of two parts:

Caroster is currently in Beta. Big changes can happen, especially in terms of data architecture.


To fully utilize your instance of Caroster, you will need an SMTP configuration to send emails.

(Optional) Mapbox token

In order to activate geocoding and map features, you will need a Mapbox token.

Create a mapbox account if you donā€™t have any and generate your token for free.

There is no need to setup a payment method as long as you donā€™t exceed the temporary geocoding api free rate , but if you do so, the app will still work and geocoding will simply disable till the end of the ongoing month.

Copy the mapbox token in the .env file as a value for ā€œMAPBOX_TOKENā€ variable to start using geocoding and map features;

Tiles server

You can use the TOKEN_FREE_TILES variables in the .env file to setup a tiles server used by the map features. By default, we use the Ā© OpenStreetMap test server.

Make sure to respect the copyrights of the tiles server you setup, or those from Ā© OpenStreetMap if you keep the default settings.

:warning: Be aware that some services might require a token to use their tiles server.

We donā€™t have yet developed a way to obfuscate this token from the users.

:warning: This means anyone accessing the application will be able to use this token on your behalf, which exposes you to substantial risks (financial, legal, reputational, operational) that may affect you and the disponibility of the service.


Clone the repo locally:

git clone
cd caroster

Run with Docker

First, edit docker-compose.yml to provide your SMTP configuration and optional Mapbox token:

version: "3"
    MAPBOX_TOKEN: pk.mapbox.token

    SMTP_PORT: 587
    SMTP_PASSWORD: password

Then, create containers with Docker Compose:

docker compose up

Wait a few minutes while the application downloads needed packages, then go to http://localhost:8080.

You can log on http://localhost:8080/admin with email and password caroster.



These steps will prepare the frontend to run in development mode.

cd frontend
yarn # or 'npm install'
yarn dev

The frontend is now accessible on http://localhost:3000


These steps will prepare and configure the backend to run in development mode.

You need a Postgres database running locally. Start one with docker compose up psql -d.

cd backend
yarn # or 'npm install'
cp .env.example .env
vi .env # Edit with your own configuration
yarn develop

The Strapi server is now ready and the admin is accessible on http://localhost:1337/admin.

Running the tests

A few tests are available to check GraphQL endpoints behavior in the e2e directory.

First, run Strapi in test mode:

cd backend
cp .env.example .env
vi .env # Edit with your own configuration
yarn start-test

Then, run the tests:

cd e2e
yarn gql
yarn test


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

git clone