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backend/src/graphql/notification/index.ts (view raw)

 1import pMap from "p-map";
 3export default [
 4  ({ nexus, strapi }) => ({
 5    types: [
 6      nexus.mutationField("readNotifications", {
 7        type: "NotificationEntityResponseCollection",
 8        args: {
 9          id: "ID",
10        },
11      }),
12    ],
13    resolvers: {
14      Mutation: {
15        readNotifications: {
16          async resolve(_root, args, context) {
17            const user = context.state.user;
18            const { id } = args;
20            const { toEntityResponseCollection } = strapi
21              .plugin("graphql")
22              .service("format").returnTypes;
24            let idFilter = {};
25            if (id) idFilter = { id };
27            const userNotifications = await strapi.entityService.findMany(
28              "api::notification.notification",
29              {
30                filters: {
31                  user: { id: },
32                  read: false,
33                  ...idFilter,
34                },
35              }
36            );
37            const updatedNotifications = await pMap(
38              userNotifications,
39              (notification: { id: "string" }) =>
40                strapi.entityService.update(
41                  "api::notification.notification",
42        ,
43                  { data: { read: true } }
44                )
45            );
46            return toEntityResponseCollection(updatedNotifications, {
47              resourceUID: "api::notification.notification",
48            });
49          },
50          id: {
51            description:
52              "Notification ID to read. If no ID is provided, all user's notifications are set as read.",
53          },
54        },
55      },
56    },
57    resolversConfig: {
58      "Query.notifications": {
59        auth: true,
60        policies: ["api::notification.check-find"],
61      },
62      "Mutation.readNotifications": {
63        auth: true,
64      },
65      "Notification.event": {
66        auth: true,
67      },
68    },
69  }),