all repos — caroster @ f61da4df34a45c277877046b84e0b909930ea292

[Octree] Group carpool to your event

frontend/locales/en.json (view raw)

  2    "PROTECTED.languages.en": "English",
  3    "": "Français",
  4    "confirm.creating": "Creating the account",
  5    "": "Complete registration",
  6    "confirm.text": "You have received an email with a link. Please click on this link to confirm your account.",
  7    "confirm.title": "Confirm your email",
  8    "dashboard.actions.add_event": "Create a caroster",
  9    "dashboard.actions.see_event": "Go to caroster",
 10    "dashboard.noEvent.create_event": "$t(menu.new_event)",
 11    "dashboard.noEvent.text_html": "Here you will see <strong> the carosters you are participating in </strong>, to start creating a Caroster!",
 12    "dashboard.noEvent.title": "Welcome to Caroster",
 13    "dashboard.sections.future": "Caroster to come",
 14    "dashboard.sections.future_plural": "Carosters to come",
 15    "dashboard.sections.noDate": "Caroster without date",
 16    "dashboard.sections.noDate_plural": "Carosters without date",
 17    "dashboard.sections.past": "Caroster passed",
 18    "dashboard.sections.past_plural": "Past carosters",
 19    "dashboard.title": "$t(menu.dashboard)",
 20    "drawer.information": "Information",
 21    "drawer.travels": "Travels",
 22    "drawer.waitingList": "Waiting list",
 23    "event.actions.add_to_my_events": "Add to my events",
 24    "event.actions.copied": "The link has been copied to your clipboard",
 25    "event.actions.noShareCapability": "Your browser cannot share nor copy to clipboard, please copy the page's URL instead.",
 26    "event.add_to_my_events.login": "$t(menu.login)",
 27    "event.add_to_my_events.register": "$t(menu.register)",
 28    "event.add_to_my_events.text_html": "To add <strong> {{eventName}} </strong> to your carosters you must be logged in or create an account.",
 29    "event.add_to_my_events.title": "You must be logged in",
 30    "event.creation.addFromAccount.actions.login": "$t(menu.login)",
 31    "event.creation.addFromAccount.actions.register": "$t(menu.register)",
 32    "event.creation.addFromAccount.subtitle": "Create it from your account",
 33    "event.creation.addFromAccount.title": "Do you want to add this caroster to your events?",
 34    "event.creation.address": "Address of the event",
 35    "event.creation.creator_email": "Your e-mail",
 36    "": "Date of the event",
 37    "event.creation.description": "Description",
 38    "event.creation.description_helper": "Optionnal",
 39    "": "Event name",
 40    "event.creation.newsletter": "Keep me informed of developments in Caroster by e-mail",
 41    "": "Next",
 42    "event.creation.title": "New event",
 43    "event.details.modify": "Modify",
 44    "": "Save",
 45    "event.errors.cant_create": "Unable to create event",
 46    "event.errors.cant_update": "Unable to modify event",
 47    "event.fields.address": "Event address",
 48    "event.fields.copyLink": "Copy link",
 49    "": "Event date",
 50    "event.fields.date_placeholder": "DD/MM/YYYY",
 51    "event.fields.description": "Description",
 52    "event.fields.empty": "Not specified",
 53    "": "Share link",
 54    "event.fields.link_desc": "Share this link with other people",
 55    "": "Name of the event",
 56    "event.fields.share": "Share",
 57    "event.no_other_travel.title": "There are currently no other car",
 58    "event.no_travel.desc": "1. Subscribe to the waiting list\n2. Share the event\n3. You will be notified when a new travel is added",
 59    "event.no_travel.title": "There are currently no cars",
 60    "event.not_found": "Project not found",
 61    "event.title": "{{title}} - Caroster",
 62    "generic.access": "Access",
 63    "generic.cancel": "Cancel",
 64    "generic.confirm": "Confirm",
 65    "generic.create": "Create",
 66    "generic.delete": "Delete",
 67    "generic.errors.not_found": "Resource not found",
 68    "generic.errors.unknown": "An unknown error occurred",
 69    "": "Me",
 70    "generic.remove": "Remove",
 71    "": "Save",
 72    "": "Select",
 73    "lost_password.actions.cancel": "Cancel",
 74    "lost_password.actions.login": "Return to the login screen",
 75    "lost_password.actions.register": "Create an account?",
 76    "lost_password.actions.save_new_password": "Update",
 77    "lost_password.actions.send": "Send a recovery email",
 78    "lost_password.change_success": "Your password has been changed",
 79    "": "Your email",
 80    "lost_password.error": "This email does not exist",
 81    "lost_password.message": "Lost your password?",
 82    "lost_password.password": "New password",
 83    "lost_password.password_confirmation": "Confirmation of the new password",
 84    "lost_password.reset_title": "Definition of a new password",
 85    "lost_password.sent": "An email has been sent to {{email}}, with a link to recover your password",
 86    "lost_password.title": "Password recovery",
 87    "menu.about": "Discover more about Caroster",
 88    "menu.code": "Caroster is Open Source",
 89    "menu.dashboard": "My Carosters",
 90    "menu.language": "Change language",
 91    "menu.login": "Login",
 92    "menu.logout": "Logout",
 93    "menu.new_event": "Create a caroster",
 94    "menu.profile": "My profile",
 95    "menu.register": "Sign-Up",
 96    "": "Assign",
 97    "passenger.actions.remove_alert": "Are you sure you want to remove <italic> <bold> {{name}} </bold> </italic> from the waitlist?",
 98    "passenger.availability.seats": "{{count}} seat available",
 99    "passenger.availability.seats_plural": "{{count}} seats available",
100    "passenger.creation.assign": "Assign",
101    "passenger.creation.available_cars": "Available cars",
102    "passenger.creation.departure": "Departure: ",
103    "passenger.creation.no_travel.desc": "{{name}} will receive an email when new cars will be available. You can share the event in the meantime.",
104    "passenger.creation.no_travel.title": "No available seats at the moment...",
105    "passenger.creation.seats": "Number of passengers: {{seats}}",
106    "passenger.deleted": "The passenger has been deleted from the event.",
107    "passenger.errors.cant_add_passenger": "Unable to add a passenger",
108    "passenger.errors.cant_remove_passenger": "Unable to remove the passenger",
109    "passenger.success.added_self_to_car": "You have been added to this car",
110    "passenger.success.added_self_to_waitlist": "You have been added to the waitlist. You'll be notified when new cars will be added.",
111    "passenger.success.added_to_car": "{{name}} has been added to this car",
112    "passenger.success.added_to_waitlist": "{{name}} has been added to the waitlist",
113    "passenger.success.goToTravels": "Go to travels",
114    "passenger.title": "Waiting list",
115    "profile.actions.cancel": "Cancel",
116    "profile.actions.change_password": "Change your password",
117    "profile.actions.edit": "Edit",
118    "profile.actions.logout": "Logout",
119    "": "Save",
120    "profile.actions.save_new_password": "Update",
121    "profile.current_password": "Current password",
122    "": "Email",
123    "profile.errors.password_nomatch": "Wrong password",
124    "profile.firstName": "First name",
125    "profile.lastName": "Last name",
126    "profile.new_password": "New password",
127    "profile.not_defined": "Not specified",
128    "profile.password_changed": "Password updated",
129    "profile.title": "Profile",
130    "": "Email",
131    "signin.emailConfirmation": "Your account has been confirmed. You can now login.",
132    "signin.login": "$t(menu.login)",
133    "signin.no_account": "You don't have an account ?",
134    "signin.or": "OR",
135    "signin.password": "Password",
136    "signin.register": "$t(menu.register)",
137    "signin.title": "Sign in",
138    "signin.withGoogle": "Use a Google account",
139    "signup.account_already": "Do you already have an account ?",
140    "signup.conditions": "By creating an account, you agree to [the terms of Caroster](",
141    "signup.create": "Create an account",
142    "signup.createForm": "Create an account\ninformation to fullfill",
143    "": "Email",
144    "signup.errors.email_taken": "This email is already associated with an account",
145    "signup.firstName": "First name",
146    "signup.lastName": "Last name",
147    "signup.login": "$t(menu.login)",
148    "signup.newsletter.consent": "I am interested in car pooling, I want to subscribe to the newsletter.",
149    "signup.password": "Password",
150    "signup.submit": "Create your account",
151    "signup.title": "Sign up",
152    "signup.with_mail": "Continue with an email",
153    "supportCaroster": "Support Caroster",
154    "tour.creator.step1": "Add a new car by clicking on this button.",
155    "tour.creator.step2": "The waiting list includes passengers who do not yet have a seat in a car.",
156    "tour.creator.step3": "The event information can be modified from this menu.",
157    "tour.creator.step4": "The event can be edited by clicking on the edit button.",
158    "tour.creator.step5": "You can copy the link from now on to share it via email, whatsapp, telegram, etc.",
159    "tour.user.step1": "Add a new car by clicking on this button.",
160    "tour.user.step2": "Would you like a place in a car? Register on the waiting list or directly in a car.",
161    "tour.user.step3": "The event information can be accessed from this menu.",
162    "tour.user.step4": "You can copy the link from now on to share it via email, whatsapp, telegram, etc.",
163    "tour.welcome.nope": "Later",
164    "tour.welcome.onboard": "OK, let's go!",
165    "tour.welcome.text": "Would you like to take a feature tour?",
166    "tour.welcome.title": "Welcome to Caroster!",
167    "travel.actions.remove_alert": "Are you sure you want to remove this car and add the subscribers to the waiting list?",
168    "travel.actions.removed": "The car has been removed and its passengers moved to the waiting list.",
169    "": "Car and driver",
170    "travel.creation.created": "The car has been created",
171    "": "Date of departure",
172    "travel.creation.meeting": "Meeting place",
173    "": "Name of the car",
174    "travel.creation.notes": "Additional information",
175    "": "Telephone number",
176    "travel.creation.phoneHelper.faq": "/en/faq",
177    "travel.creation.phoneHelper.why": "Why do we ask for a phone number ?",
178    "travel.creation.seats": "Number of available seats",
179    "travel.creation.submit": "Add",
180    "travel.creation.time": "Departure time",
181    "travel.creation.title": "Add a car",
182    "": "Travel",
183    "travel.errors.cant_create": "Unable to create the car",
184    "travel.errors.cant_remove": "Unable to remove the car",
185    "travel.errors.cant_remove_passenger": "Unable to remove passenger",
186    "travel.errors.cant_update": "Unable to modify the car",
187    "travel.fields.details": "Notes",
188    "travel.fields.meeting_point": "Meeting place",
189    "": "Contact",
190    "travel.moved_to_waiting_list": "Passenger was moved to the waiting list.",
191    "travel.passengers.add": "Add a passenger",
192    "travel.passengers.add_me": "Add myself",
193    "travel.passengers.add_someone": "Add someone",
194    "travel.passengers.add_to_car": "Add to car",
195    "travel.passengers.add_to_travel": "Add to passenger",
196    "travel.passengers.add_to_waitingList": "Add to waiting list",
197    "": "Email",
198    "travel.passengers.email_helpertext": "Email is not valid",
199    "travel.passengers.email_placeholder": "Email",
200    "travel.passengers.empty": "Available seat",
201    "travel.passengers.location": "Meeting place",
202    "travel.passengers.location_helper": "Indicate your preferred departure location",
203    "travel.passengers.location_placeholder": "Meeting place (optionnal)",
204    "": "Name",
205    "travel.passengers.name_placeholder": "Name",
206    "travel.passengers.register_to_waiting_list": "Register to waiting list",
207    "travel.vehicle.add": "Add a new vehicle",
208    "travel.vehicle.empty": "There is no vehicle assigned to you. Click the button bellow in order to create one.",
209    "": "Name of the vehicle",
210    "travel.vehicle.seats_number": "Seats number",
211    "travel.vehicle.title": "My Vehicles"